Consciousness is OP

Greetings Fellow Artist,

Do you ever wonder how humans got to where we are today?

From cavemen to the current apex predator of the world.

I think about this frequently because the thought of humans living as wild animals sounds disastrous.

We don't have super sharp teeth or claws to defend ourselves or hunt.

We don't have fur to survive harsh winters.

We aren't even close to being the fastest or strongest animals.

In the wild we would be easy prey hunted to extinction, similar to the dodo bird.

However the universe decided to give us consciousness, intellect, and creativity.

These three traits build on one another.

Consciousness, one's awareness of self and surroundings makes way for intellect, objective reasoning and understanding.

Intellect taken steps forward creates creativity, the ability to recognize alternative possibilities that are often better or more optimal than the original ones.

But it all starts with consciousness.

This trait is so powerful that it propelled one of the least physically capable organisms to ever exist to the top of the food chain, rather than going extinct.

Consciousness gave us the ability to survive harsh climates, first through taking the skin of other animals,

then to discovering fire,

to eventually building homes with fans, heaters and ACs.

Consciousness allowed us to hunt (and protect ourselves from) animals much bigger, stronger, and faster than us by creating weapons that only got more optimal with time.

The invention of boats and fishing apparatus' allow us to gather food from a world we weren't even supposed to be a part of (oceans and seas).

All of this was made possible because of 2 things:

  • Adversity
  • Masters

I wasn't around back in our caveman days,

but I can only imagine the type of adversity a human in the wild with no weapons, underdeveloped language, and little life experience would face.

But no matter the time period, adversity is an opportunity for growth and evolution.

One of the greatest things you can do as a modern human is reframe your relationship with adversity.

Instead of focusing on how uncomfortable it is, see it as an opportunity to become better, to become a master.

Masters brought humans out of those caveman days and forced our evolution to where we are today.

It is now your job to take the torch.

You must push humanity's evolution even further with your consciousness, intellect, and creativity.

This is how you pay homage to all the humans that helped you get this far in life,

but it is also how you show the universe you are grateful for your consciousness.

Because without it, humans would have went extinct a long time ago...

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PS: EP 011 and 012 of The Thriving Artist Corner (the podcast) are gong live on YT and podcast streaming services tonight! I mistakenly double uploaded EP 010 last Friday, so ya'll get a bonus today.


And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss an episode; they will be dropping every Friday at 3 30PM.



Dio Deji Oduwole

Creator of The Thriving Artists’ Newsletter

Musician, Music Producer, and Educator

The Thriving Artists' Newsletter

Craft mastery doesn't come without self mastery. Every Monday and Friday you will receive a concept, personal story, or idea aimed to aid you, the artist, entrepreneur, human, in the never-ending journey towards mastering your life.

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