Greetings Fellow Artist, As you run towards the goals you wish to achieve, as you carve yourself into the person you wish to be, you will inevitably reach an obstacle that bashes your face in. OUCH! You were running so fast you didn't see it. But what now? This is the point where it is easy for discouragement to creep into the mind. After all, you were running pretty fast, but Newton's law of motion wasn’t on your side in this scenario. Both external and internal, Are there for you to use them. Take a moment to think of the obstacle you might be facing right now… Is there a lesson your impatience isn’t allowing you to see? Genetic studies suggest that the human species almost went extinct 900,000 years ago. this obstacle, is actually what triggered humans to develop consciousness. And consciousness propelled us from near extinction to the undisputed top of the food chain. I say all of this to say that, you are wired to use whatever you feel is holding you back as a springboard towards your desires. The growth opportunity is there. If you enjoyed this article, share it by copying and pasting this link: PS: I’m building a new thing 👀 click here to follow the journey
Dio Deji Oduwole
Creator of The Thriving Artists’ Newsletter
Musician, Music Producer, and Educator
Craft mastery doesn't come without self mastery. Every Monday and Friday you will receive a concept, personal story, or idea aimed to aid you, the artist, entrepreneur, human, in the never-ending journey towards mastering your life.
You feel weak. You feel drained. You've reached your peak. You question the game. You thought it'd be fun, but it's not. because you got caught, trying to run, too fast. What a blast this was in the beginning, with endless energy and visions of winning. You climbed with joy and ran and leaped, But now you've reached a hill too steep. A hill too steep to climb. Your eyes and mind can't see the top, you've got lacerations from all the rocks, but if you let go now you'll drop, this is harder...
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